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SKKY:n ja STJ:n erikoisnäyttelyvoittajia vuosien varrelta

2019 TerriEri

Henrik Johansson, SE (26 + 7 pentua)    



VSP Tinyattitude Sting Like a Been

PU2 Stonemeadow's Great Magic

PU3 SERT Fwaggles Dream on Rustic Lane

PU4 Great Bernina's Häntä Heikki

VSP VET Great Bernina's Häntä Heikki

VSP pentu Bonwild He's So Fine

ROP KASV Bonwild, om. Sari Laitinen

2018 TerriEri

Dodo Sandahl, SE (45)



VSP Yurrugar Secret Agent

PU2 Stonemeadow's Beeta

PU3 SERT Fwaggles Dream on Rustic Lane

PU4 VASERT Great Bernina's Pikkarainen

VSP VET Great Bernina's Häntä Heikki

ROP pentu Flame Ear's Human Torch

ROP KASV Bonwild, om. Sari Laitinen


Great Bernina's Dilliputti

2017 TerriEri

Gerhard Pöllinger, AT (41)



VSP Stonemeadow's Beeta

PU2 SERT Great Bernina's Pikkaraine

PU3 VASERT Kipton's Enchanted Moments

PU4 Pikiruusun Armas Ottopoik

ROP VET Pikiruusun Armas Ottopoika 

VSP pentu Dowithstyle's Ceecee

ROP KASV Isamelin om. Marja-Leena Pentikäinen

2016 TerriEri

Jetta Tschokkinen 40 


VSP Yurrugar Secret Agent

PU2 Marbil's Spiceisle A Sweet Chocolate Treat

PU3 Bonwild All That Jazz

PU4 SERT Stonemeadow's Valentine's Kiss

VSP VET Pikiruusun Armas Ottopoika

ROP KASV Stonemeadow's om. Tiina Kivinitty

2015 ei enää osallistumisoikeutta SKKY:n näyttelyyn ja
STJ:n näyttelyä ei järjestetty


STJ World Terrier - John Geraghty GB (Manyork) 51
Pennut Gerard Cox



VSP SERT BIS-JUN Ruska-ahon Super Mies

PU2 Great Bernina's Häntä Heikki

PU3 Wildjane's Winner Takes It All

PU4 VASERT Stonemeadow's Delta

ROP Veteraani Rainsong It Had To Be You Burmack

ROP Pentu Hollybirch Roman Knight

ROP Kasvattaja Nox Minor’s om. Elina Sivula

ROP & BIS-2 Jälkeläisluokka Yurrugar Secret Agent

SKKY - Pedro Sanches Delerue 14 


VSP Wildjane's Winner Takes It All

PU2 SERT FI MVA Isamelin Casanova Lovergirl

PU3 Yurrugar Secret Agent

PU4 VASERT Marbil's Spiceisle A Sweet Chocolate Treat


ROP VET Rainsongs Sweet Baby James KZN BRMK

ROP PENTU Isamelin Daisy Heartbreaker

ROP KASV Grindstones om. Eine Tahko


SKKY - Andrew H Brace (43)

Rainer Vuorinen pennut (6)


VSP SERT Wildjane's Winner Takes It All

PU2 Yurrugar Secret Agent

PU3 Isamelin Casanova Lover

PU4 Great Bernina's Gippari Galle


VSP VET Rainsong Sweet Baby James Kzn Brmk


ROP PENTU Great Bernina's Mega-Masa



1 KP BIS-2 Bonwild om. Sari Laitinen

2 KP Grindstones om. Eine Tahko

3 KP Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi

4 KP Jadinella's om. Jennina Iivonen


STJ - Harry Tast (22) 



VSP SERT Yurrugar Secret Agent

PU2 VSP VET Great Bernina's Ahti Nelitahti

PU3 Great Bernina's Legenda-Lenni

PU4 Rainsong Sweet Baby James Kzn Brmk


ROP Pentu1 KP BIS-2 Nox Minor's Amare Eventu


ROP KASV 1 KP BIS-2 Bonwild om. Sari Laitinen

2 KP Grindstones om. Eine Tahko

ROP + BIS-1 JÄLK Rainsong It Had To Be You Burmack


SKKY - Andreas Schemel, GB (20)


VSP Yurrugar Fade To Black

PU2  Great Bernina's Ahti Nelitahtie

PU3  Great Bernina's Gippari Galle

PU4  Great Bernina's Häntä Heikki

SERT Twinstripe Heron


ROP KASV + BIS-3 Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi


STJ - Angela Ban, (16) 



VSP  Pikiruusun Armas Ottopoika

PU2 Great Bernina's Feekasi Filjo

PU3  Great Bernina's Ahti Nelitahti

PU4  SERT Yurrugar Fade To Black


BIS-2 Pari Great Bernina's Dilliputti ja Feekasi Filjo

ROP KASV + BIS-2 Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi


SKKY - Liz Stannard, GB (20)



ROP Great Bernina's Feekasi Filjo

PU2  Pikuruusun Armas Ottopoika

PU3  SERT Great Bernina's Gippari Galle

ROP KASV + BIS-2 Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi


STJ - Kimmo Mustonen (17) 



ROP SERT Bonwild Rainsong Dream Big

PU2 Great Bernina's Feekasi Filjo

PU3  Pikiruusun Armas Ottopoika

PU4  Great Bernina's Ahti Nelitahti


ROP & BIS-1 JUN Grindstones Burlesque Showgirl

ROP KASV Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi


SKKY - Tom Mather, GB (12)



VSP Great Bernina's Ahti Nelitahti

PU2  Pikiruusun Armas Ottopoika

PU3  SERT Great Bernina's Feekasi Filjo

PU4  Pikiruusun Teddy The Tiger

ROP KASV + BIS-1 Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi


STJ - Kari Salminen (7) 



ROP  SERT Bonwild Rainsong Dream Lover

PU2  Bonwild Rainsong Dream Big


SKKY - Liz Cartledge, GB (14)



VSP Great Bernina's Ahti Nelitahti

PU2 SERT Zirlean Joshamee Gibbs

PU3 Rainsong Sweet Baby James KZN Burmack

PU4 Pikiruusun Teddy The Tiger


ROP + BIS-2 KASV Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi


STJ - Juha Palosaari (18) 



VSP SERT Zirlean Joshamee Gibbs

PU2 Pikiruusun Armas Ottopoika

PU3 Great Bernina's Ahti Nelitahti

PU4 Pikiruusun Teddy The Tiger 


ROP KASV Great Bernina's om. Anne-Mari Suoniemi







ROP Bonwild Little My

PN2 Fwaggles She's a New Endeavour

PN3 SERT ROP junior Bonwild Let's Talk About Me

PN4 VASERT Bonwild You Only Live Twice


ROP Bonwild Little My

PN2 Bonwild Talk Talk Talk

PN3 Flame Ear's Sweetheart Rose

PN4 Twinstripe Gaia

VSP pentu Great Bernina's Unelma Anelma




ROP SERT Flame Ear's Sweetheart Rose

PN2 VASERT Sinkon Afarim

PN3 Flame Ear's Beatrix

PN4 Isamelin Daisy Heartbreaker

ROP pentu BIS-2 Bonwild You Only Live Twice






ROP SERT Stonemeadow's Head In The Clouds

PN2 Isamelin Daisy Harbraker

PN3 VASERT Bonwild Talk Talk Talk

PN4 Bonwild Little My

ROP VET Great Bernina's Dilliputti












ROP SERT Twinstripe Beda

PN2 Grindstones Burlesque Showgirl

PN3 VASERT Great Bernina's Niiskuneiti

PN4 Twinstripe Gaia












ROP SERT Nox Minor's Amare Eventu

PN2 Grindstones Burlesque Showgirl

PN3 Yurrugar Make Mine Diamonds












ROP & ROP JUN SERT BIS-3 Bonwild'n Rainsong At Heart

PN2 Mamselin Natacha

PN3 Bonwild'n Rainsong A OK

PN4 Grindstones Little Lotta


ROP VET Rainsong It Had To Be You Burmak


VSP PENTU Nox Minor's Amare Eventu












ROP & ROP VET BIS-4 Rainsong It Had To Be You Burmack

PN2 SERT ROP JUN Bonwild'n Rainsong At Heart

PN3 Bonwild'n Rainsong A OK 

PN4 Spiceisle Annie Get Your Gun














ROP Grindstones Burlesque Showgirl

PN2  Great Bernina's Beräkylän Bike

PN3 Great Bernina's Dilliputti

PN4  Eburacum Grindstones Grace

SERT Yurrugar Make Mine Diamonds








ROP SERT BIS-4 Grindstones Burlesque Showgirl

PN2  Great Bernina's Beräkylän Bike

PN3 Great Bernina's Dilliputti












VSP SERT Grindstones Burlesque Showgirl

PN2  Twinstripe Gaia

PN3 Eburacum Grindstones Grace

PN4 Great Bernina's Beräkylän Bike





ROP Eburacum Grindstones Grace

PN2  Great Bernina's Beräkylän Bike

PN3  SERT Grindstones Burlesque Showgirl

PN4  Sooraba Black Cayla










ROP  Great Bernina's Beräkylän Bike

PN2 Great Bernina's Elli Karamelli

PN3  SERT Great Bernina's Fappu Fiuhka

PN4  Beau Savage My Loved One














ROP SERT Eburacum Grindstones Grace

PN2 Great Bernina's Beräkylän Bike

PN3 Great Bernina's Dilliputti

PN4 Great Bernina's Elli Karamelli








ROP SERT Eburacum Grindstones Grace

PN2 Great Bernina's Beräkylän Bike

PN3 Great Bernina's Dilliputti

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